Mar 25, 2012

Peanut Allergy Bitches!

I know, I know, I have been pretty much the worst bloggess ever. I've lost track of how long it's been since I posted. But! I have been really busy with getting a new job (!!!!!) and leaving my soon-to-be old job (!!!) all while working my second job which I am keeping (...) and picking up shifts for the hell at it at my current job. Being a workaholic is exhausting. And all the chaos of changing jobs has made it hard for me to really focus on anything. Even this post is a struggle to focus on so lets make it quick.

No new recipes unfortunately, I really haven't had the focus to do something like cooking food. I'm bummed at myself for this but whatcha gonna do?

Other than that nothing else is new. Oh! I *decided* to buy a townhouse! I'm not entirely sure that it is even feasible but I will keep you all updated on that and maybe inspire some of my readers to become home owners as well! Feel free to ask me any questions you have on the process, I am happy to enlighten you (or tell you that I don't have all the answers).

So now, THAT's all so have a great week and hopefully I will post again before three weeks from now! Ciao, ciao!



  1. That comic made me laugh so hard!

    So you are buying a townhouse? Do you know where yet?

  2. I want to, idk where yet. Depends on what's available when it happens. It is dependent on if I can get approved for a mortgage!

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