
If you follow me and have a button, leave me a comment and I will add it here! If you follow me and don't have a button, MAKE ONE! and then do the same. If you follow me and want me to MAKE you a button, go here!

the blog you're about to read Photobucket Photobucket New Life Dr. Heckle After Nine to Five


  1. My button? Not there. Shame....It's on my page! I made one! To the left, partway down. Not the prettiest button, I may update it sometime, but it's a button. *demanding face* add my button I love you :)

  2. How have I not seen this page yet? And yes, I'd like my button (that you made) on this page. And I'll put yours on my page.

  3. AH! Not sure why I didn't think to put it here myself. I forget about this page a lot.


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