Feb 27, 2012

Something Borrowed

I'm very excited today to welcome a new guest blogger! Today Camille from Island Meets City was wonderful enough to review a book for Media Monday so that there could be a post about something that's not television! Cause I know you all are so concerned about that... but anyway. I actually read this book because I saw the movie and like it and was at Walmart needing to find a book to read and saw it so I got it. I was supposed to reciprocate with a review for Camille's blog but I guess there were too many shiny things in the world distracting me so that still has yet to happen. Alright, enough about me, here it is!:

Something Borrowed by Emily Griffin:
Review (some spoilers)

Contemporary Chick lit isn’t usually my thing, I tend to read fantasy and thrillers, and at times a good old romance like mills and boons (when the brain cells don’t feel like working much) but when I heard about ‘Something Borrowed’ from my sister (who was completely in LOVE with it) I thought I might give it a shot, if I enjoyed it – great, if I didn’t – well at least I got my sister off my back.

The premise of ‘Something Borrowed’ had me a little put off, I’ve always loved ‘forever after books’ and a story about infidelity and disloyalty didn’t seem so appetizing a read for me. But getting into the book I began to understand why it was so popular and started to actually like the novel and its characters. Rachel feels like a relatable character, she’s down-to-earth and usually always does the ‘right thing’ and Dex is lovable and you can easily see his attractiveness in the situation, although I did feel Emily Griffin tend to sway the audience to really dislike Darcy. If we started feeling anything other than siding with the lead protagonists, she throws in that Darcy was cheating too.

The ending felt somewhat predictable, I would’ve found it more interesting had Rachel and Dex actually ended up together and having to go through the motions of living through what they did. ‘Something Borrowed’ however, gives a fair portrayal of a ‘toxic relationships’ or friendships for that matter, that unspoken rivalry with female friends that has you thinking, are we frenemies? It’s a story founded around friendship just as much as it is on the romantic aspect, or ‘issues’ presented.

Overall I’d give it 3 out of 5 stars, while I didn’t find it a book I absolutely LOVE, it did keep me turning the page. And I will admit, as it isn’t usually something I would choose myself to read, I rated it slightly biased towards my usual choices.

Thanks to Lauren for letting me guest blog, it’s been a blast. For more of what I write, check out what I’ve been reading in the ‘Good Reading’ section of IslandMeetsCity

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